This program promotes the use of renewable energy technologies in farming operations while encouraging the adoption of energy-saving Cookstoves, biogas for cooking, and other sustainable energy solutions that reduce dependence on fossil fuels.This is relevant in off-grid communities where access to electricity is limited.
This program works to connect smallholder farmers to local and regional markets, ensuring that they have the opportunity to sell their products at fair prices. Through training on value addition, post-harvest handling, and market research, we help farmers increase their income and reduce post-harvest losses.
AGONET trains farmers and youth in the use of appropriate technologies such as solar-powered drying systems, and bio-fertilizers, for farm management. These technologies are introduced in various rural communities, enabling farmers to increase crop yields while reducing their environmental footprint.
AGONET is spearheading efforts to restore indigenous seed systems by working with local communities to collect, store, and propagate native seed varieties. These seeds are often more resilient to local climate conditions and pests, making them vital for long-term food security.
Effective soil and water management is critical for sustainable agriculture. This project focuses on teaching youth and local farmers techniques for soil conservation, such as mulching, composting, and terracing, alongside water conservation methods like rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation.
This project promotes sustainable food systems by adopting agroecological practices that emphasize the integration of traditional knowledge and modern farming techniques. Participants are trained in organic farming, crop rotation, intercropping, and natural pest management.